How do you start an RFID application

Rfmobi Store
14 Jun , 2022

How do you deploy an RFID Solution

We recommend considering the following topics:

  • What are the goals with the project?
  • What type of surface will the tag be applied to
  • What are the parameters for reach and read rates
  • What is the possibility of expanding the project?
  • The positive result in the approval of the project

Implementing all RFID technology with its practical and efficient features is something that allows the company to take a step forward to offer efficiency in the production process, agility with conference and logistics and better management even at the POS.

In addition, among the benefits are essential business factors, such as greater savings in the control of waste, breaks and competitive advantage. However, to achieve all these advantages, it is necessary to understand how this implementation should be done in all its steps, as well as identify the ideal partner for this process.

And on how to design a scope for the RFID project, we brought the following tips. It is worth paying attention to each one to finally adapt this technological advantage to your business.

  1. Set goals

The technological concept of RFID will change the production and management processes in your company. So it is necessary to take it easy and understand how much time must be considered for a new system to be fully integrated, in which stages this adaptation must be made, and what will be the main factors in this process.

It is worth remembering that using the RFID system is absolutely simple: a tag is read by a radiofrequency system, which takes the information to the company. However, the excellence of this system's resources requires learning time so that the maximum information can be extracted from the controls, processes and reports that can be used.

To get off to a good start, establish simple goals and evolve according to the domain of each facility that the use of RFID provides.

  1. Know the limitations of RFID tags

The RFID system is, without a doubt, the most robust and efficient when compared to similar ones, such as barcodes or QR Codes. But that doesn't mean it doesn't have its limitations.

Among the specifics of the tag, there are difficulties in applying it to metal and liquid elements. This is because they naturally interfere with the propagation of radiofrequency waves, limiting the distance for reading.

In this case, it is necessary to consider the use of specific materials to encapsulate the chip.

  1. Fix your current processes

The RFID system is one of the best solutions to give agility and productivity to your business. But this does not mean that it corrects flaws that already existed in the processes of your company or industry.

Before simply migrating to a new technology, study, research and apply all necessary corrections for your processes to improve. The adaptation of RFID in stages that already work well, will be much easier, faster and with benefits reaped in the very short term.

  1. Improve your management system

This is a topic that complements the previous subject, since correcting processes is also correcting the management system. Thus, to extract the maximum from the possibilities that the RFID system provides, it is necessary to count on professionals or partners who fully understand everything that the technology makes possible.

In this context, in addition to having a specialized professional staff, customizable management software will facilitate the processes carried out using technology.

  1. Understand the RFID tag character limitation

Understanding the RFID tag's character limitation is very important in planning how much information you want to give the tag.

In general, RFID tags have at least 96-bit memory, which offers the capacity to store up to 24 hexadecimal characters, consisting of letters and numbers, or alphanumeric characters that, in addition to letters and numbers, also have special characters ( comma, slash, dashes, at sign, hashtag, among others).

It is worth remembering that the chip can be supplemented with new information at each stage of the process. Data such as manufacturing date, batch, expiration date, logistical path, origin of raw material, among others.

In order not to quickly reach the limit of the chip, it is recommended to enter a little information at a time, until you see a reasonable limit that still offers space in case it is necessary to enter new data.

  1. Take the time to set the RFID tag

Choosing a good management software for the RFID system is essential. And just as important is choosing the type of tag that will be used. As it is an extremely important item not only for the feasibility of the RFID system, but also for the established strategy, it is essential to analyze all available options to make the best choice.

While there are tags that cost just a few cents, you need to do a more thorough analysis that goes beyond price.

  1. Start your RFID system project from a pilot – POC – Proof of Concept

Starting with a smaller project is very important to understand how RFID technology will adapt to your business. If you work with a mix of products, for example, choose just one of them to be managed with the RFID system and adapt the others little by little.

This will give you more control over how the project progresses, have time to make necessary  corrections, and be able to have more secure growth as the new system expands.

Count on the best experts in the market to implement the RFID system RFID is a complete, intelligent, integrated, scalable system that provides great business growth – whether in industry or commerce. And in that article, you saw that to achieve the best results with your implementation, you need to consider essential steps that allow a gradual and safer change.

For all these steps to be achieved, the partnership with great RFID specialists is essential. And the Rfmobi is the main company that all steps to implements and manages the technology.

With more than 10 years of experience in the market, Rfmobi offers complete solutions – from the manufacture of inputs to the implementation of RFID tags and systems, ensuring that the main business objectives with the adoption of the technology are achieved.

To implement an rfid solution you will need:

 Printers (depends of project) - >

  • POC – Proof of Concept, Solutions and software:

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